December 09, 2002 Copyright © by United States Conference of Catholic BishopsPsalms
Chapter 61
- 1
- 1 For the leader; with stringed instruments. Of David.
- 2
- Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer!
- 3
- 2 From the brink of Sheol I call; my heart grows faint. Raise me up, set me on a rock,
- 4
- for you are my refuge, a tower of strength against the foe.
- 5
- Then I will ever dwell in your tent, take refuge in the shelter of your wings. Selah
- 6
- 3 O God, when you accept my vows and hear the plea of those who revere your name in prayer:
- 7
- "Add to the days of the king's life; may his years be many generations;
- 8
- May he reign before God forever; may your love and fidelity preserve him"--
- 9
- 4 Then I will sing your name forever, fulfill my vows day after day.
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1 [Psalm 61] A lament of the king who feels himself at the brink of death (Psalm 61:3) and cries out for the strong and saving presence of God (Psalm 61:3b-5). The king cites the prayer being made for him (Psalm 61:7-8), and promises to give thanks to God.
2 [3] Brink of Sheol: literally, "edge of the earth," "earth" being taken in its occasional meaning "the underworld." Cf Jonah 2:3.
3 [6] In prayer: added for sense. Psalm 61:7-8 express the plea of Psalm 61:6.
4 [9] Then: Hebrew "just as," i.e., in accord with the vows referred to in Psalm 61:5.
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