December 09, 2002 Copyright © by United States Conference of Catholic BishopsPsalms
Chapter 45
- 1
- 1 For the leader; according to "Lilies." A maskil of the Korahites. A love song.
- 2
- My heart is stirred by a noble theme, as I sing my ode to the king. My tongue is the pen of a nimble scribe.
- 3
- You are the most handsome of men; fair speech has graced your lips, for God has blessed you forever.
- 4
- Gird your sword upon your hip, mighty warrior! In splendor and majesty ride on triumphant!
- 5
- In the cause of truth and justice may your right hand show you wondrous deeds.
- 6
- Your arrows are sharp; peoples will cower at your feet; the king's enemies will lose heart.
- 7
- 2 Your throne, O god, stands forever; your royal scepter is a scepter for justice.
- 8
- You love justice and hate wrongdoing; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your fellow kings.
- 9
- 3 With myrrh, aloes, and cassia your robes are fragrant. From ivory-paneled palaces stringed instruments bring you joy.
- 10
- 4 Daughters of kings are your lovely wives; a princess arrayed in Ophir's gold comes to stand at your right hand.
- 11
- 5 Listen, my daughter, and understand; pay me careful heed. Forget your people and your father's house,
- 12
- that the king might desire your beauty. He is your lord;
- 13
- honor him, daughter of Tyre. Then the richest of the people will seek your favor with gifts.
- 14
- All glorious is the king's daughter as she enters, her raiment threaded with gold;
- 15
- In embroidered apparel she is led to the king. The maids of her train are presented to the king.
- 16
- They are led in with glad and joyous acclaim; they enter the palace of the king.
- 17
- The throne of your fathers your sons will have; you shall make them princes through all the land.
- 18
- I will make your name renowned through all generations; thus nations shall praise you forever.
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1 [Psalm 45] A song for the Davidic king's marriage to a foreign princess from Tyre in Phoenicia. The court poet sings (Psalm 45:2, 18) of God's choice of the king (Psalm 45:3, 8), of his role in establishing divine rule (Psalm 45:4-8), and of his splendor as he waits for his bride (Psalm 45:9-10). The woman is to forget her own house when she becomes wife to the king (Psalm 45:11-13). Her majestic beauty today is a sign of the future prosperity of the royal house (Psalm 45:14-17). The psalm was retained in the collection when there was no reigning king, and came to be applied to the king who was to come, the messiah.
2 [7] O god: the king, in courtly language, is called "god," i.e., more than human, representing God to the people. Hebrews 1:8-9 applies Psalm 45:7-8 to Christ.
3 [9] Ivory-paneled palaces: literally, "palaces of ivory." Ivory paneling and furniture decoration have been found in Samaria and other ancient Near Eastern cities. Cf Amos 3:15.
4 [10] Ophir's gold: uncertain location, possibly a region on the coast of southern Arabia or eastern Africa, famous for its gold. Cf 1 Kings 9:28; 10:11; Job 22:24.
5 [11] Forget your people and your father's house: the bride should no longer consider herself a daughter of her father's house, but the wife of the king--the queen.
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