December 09, 2002 Copyright © by United States Conference of Catholic BishopsPsalms
Chapter 136
- 1
- 1 Praise the LORD, who is so good; God's love endures forever;
- 2
- Praise the God of gods; God's love endures forever;
- 3
- Praise the Lord of lords; God's love endures forever;
- 4
- Who alone has done great wonders, God's love endures forever;
- 5
- Who skillfully made the heavens, God's love endures forever;
- 6
- Who spread the earth upon the waters, God's love endures forever;
- 7
- Who made the great lights, God's love endures forever;
- 8
- The sun to rule the day, God's love endures forever;
- 9
- The moon and stars to rule the night, God's love endures forever;
- 10
- Who struck down the firstborn of Egypt, God's love endures forever;
- 11
- And led Israel from their midst, God's love endures forever;
- 12
- With mighty hand and outstretched arm, God's love endures forever;
- 13
- Who split in two the Red Sea, God's love endures forever;
- 14
- And led Israel through, God's love endures forever;
- 15
- But swept Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea, God's love endures forever;
- 16
- Who led the people through the desert, God's love endures forever;
- 17
- Who struck down great kings, God's love endures forever;
- 18
- Slew powerful kings, God's love endures forever;
- 19
- Sihon, king of the Amorites, God's love endures forever;
- 20
- Og, king of Bashan, God's love endures forever;
- 21
- And made their lands a heritage, God's love endures forever;
- 22
- 2 A heritage for Israel, God's servant, God's love endures forever.
- 23
- The LORD remembered us in our misery, God's love endures forever;
- 24
- Freed us from our foes, God's love endures forever;
- 25
- And gives food to all flesh, God's love endures forever.
- 26
- Praise the God of heaven, God's love endures forever.
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1 [Psalm 136] The hymn praises Israel's God ("the God of gods," Psalm 136:2), who has created the world in which Israel lives. The refrain occurring after every line suggests that a speaker and chorus sang the psalm in antiphonal fashion. A single act of God is described in Psalm 136:4-25 God arranges the heavens and the earth as the environment for human community, and then creates the community by freeing them and giving them land. In the final section (Psalm 136:23-25) God, who created the people and gave them land, continues to protect and nurture them.
2 [22] A heritage for Israel: the land was given to Israel by God to be handed on to future generations.
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