December 09, 2002 Copyright © by United States Conference of Catholic BishopsPsalms
Chapter 12
- 1
- 1 For the leader; "upon the eighth." A psalm of David.
- 2
- Help, LORD, for no one loyal remains; the faithful have vanished from the human race
- 3
- Those who tell lies to one another speak with deceiving lips and a double heart.
- 4
- May the LORD cut off all deceiving lips, and every boastful tongue,
- 5
- Those who say, "By our tongues we prevail; when our lips speak, who can lord it over us?"
- 6
- "Because they rob the weak, and the needy groan, I will now arise," says the LORD; "I will grant safety to whoever longs for it."
- 7
- 2 The promises of the LORD are sure, silver refined in a crucible, silver purified seven times.
- 8
- LORD, protect us always; preserve us from this generation.
- 9
- On every side the wicked strut; the shameless are extolled by all.
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1 [Psalm 12] A lament. The psalmist, thrown into a world where lying and violent people persecute the just (Psalm 12:2-3), prays that the wicked be punished (Psalm 12:4-5). The prayer is not simply for vengeance but arises from a desire to see God's justice appear on earth. Psalm 12:6 preserves the word of assurance spoken by the priest to the lamenter; it is not usually transmitted in such psalms. In Psalm 12:7-8 the psalmist affirms the intention to live by the word of assurance.
2 [Psalm 13] A crucible: lit. "in a crucible in the ground." The crucible was placed in the ground for support.
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