December 09, 2002 Copyright © by United States Conference of Catholic BishopsNumbers
Chapter 29
- 1
- 1 "On the first day of the seventh month you shall hold a sacred assembly, and do no sort of work; it shall be a day on which you sound the trumpet.
- 2
- You shall offer as a sweet-smelling holocaust to the LORD one bullock, one ram, and seven unblemished yearling lambs,
- 3
- with their cereal offerings of fine flour mixed with oil; offering three tenths of an ephah for the bullock, two tenths for the ram,
- 4
- and one tenth for each of the seven lambs.
- 5
- Moreover, one goat shall be offered as a sin offering in atonement for yourselves.
- 6
- These are to be offered in addition to the ordinary new-moon holocaust with its cereal offering, and in addition to the established holocaust with its cereal offering, together with the libations prescribed for them, as a sweet-smelling oblation to the LORD.
- 7
- 2 "On the tenth day of this seventh month you shall hold a sacred assembly, and mortify yourselves, and do no sort of work.
- 8
- You shall offer as a sweet-smelling holocaust to the LORD one bullock, one ram, and seven yearling lambs that you are sure are unblemished,
- 9
- with their cereal offerings of fine flour mixed with oil; offering three tenths of an ephah for the bullock, two tenths for the ram,
- 10
- and one tenth for each of the seven lambs.
- 11
- 3 Moreover, one goat shall be sacrificed as a sin offering. These are to be offered in addition to the atonement sin offering, the established holocaust with its cereal offering, and their libations.
- 12
- 4 "On the fifteenth day of the seventh month you shall hold a sacred assembly, and do no sort of work; then, for seven days following, you shall celebrate a pilgrimage feast to the LORD.
- 13
- 5 You shall offer as a sweet-smelling holocaust to the LORD thirteen bullocks, two rams, and fourteen yearling lambs that are unblemished,
- 14
- with their cereal offerings of fine flour mixed with oil; offering three tenths of an ephah for each of the thirteen bullocks, two tenths for each of the two rams,
- 15
- and one tenth for each of the fourteen lambs.
- 16
- Moreover, one goat shall be sacrificed as a sin offering. These are to be offered in addition to the established holocaust with its cereal offering and libation.
- 17
- "On the second day you shall offer twelve bullocks, two rams, and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs,
- 18
- with their cereal offerings and libations as prescribed for the bullocks, rams and lambs in proportion to their number,
- 19
- as well as one goat for a sin offering, besides the established holocaust with its cereal offering and libation.
- 20
- "On the third day you shall offer eleven bullocks, two rams, and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs,
- 21
- with their cereal offerings and libations as prescribed for the bullocks, rams and lambs in proportion to their number,
- 22
- as well as one goat for a sin offering, besides the established holocaust with its cereal offering and libation.
- 23
- "On the fourth day you shall offer ten bullocks, two rams, and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs,
- 24
- with their cereal offerings and libations as prescribed for the bullocks, rams and lambs in proportion to their number,
- 25
- as well as one goat for a sin offering, besides the established holocaust with its cereal offering and libation.
- 26
- "On the fifth day you shall offer nine bullocks, two rams, and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs,
- 27
- with their cereal offerings and libations as prescribed for the bullocks, rams and lambs in proportion to their number,
- 28
- as well as one goat for a sin offering, besides the established holocaust with its cereal offering and libation.
- 29
- "On the sixth day you shall offer eight bullocks, two rams, and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs,
- 30
- with their cereal offerings and libations as prescribed for the bullocks, rams and lambs in proportion to their number,
- 31
- as well as one goat for a sin offering, besides the established holocaust with its cereal offering and libation.
- 32
- "On the seventh day you shall offer seven bullocks, two rams, and fourteen unblemished yearling lambs,
- 33
- with their cereal offerings and libations as prescribed for the bullocks, rams and lambs in proportion to their number,
- 34
- as well as one goat for a sin offering, besides the established holocaust with its cereal offering and libation.
- 35
- 6 "On the eighth day you shall hold a solemn meeting, and do no sort of work.
- 36
- You shall offer up in holocaust as a sweet-smelling oblation to the LORD one bullock, one ram, and seven unblemished yearling lambs,
- 37
- with their cereal offerings and libations as prescribed for the bullocks, rams and lambs in proportion to their number,
- 38
- as well as one goat for a sin offering, besides the established holocaust with its cereal offering and libation.
- 39
- "These are the offerings you shall make to the LORD on your festivals, besides whatever holocausts, cereal offerings, libations, and peace offerings you present as your votive or freewill offerings."
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1 [1] The first day of the seventh month (about September-October) is now the Jewish New Year's Day. In the older calendar the year began with the first of Nisan (March-April); cf Exodus 12:2.
2 [7] The tenth day of this seventh month: the Day of Atonement. Mortify yourselves: literally, "afflict your souls," that is, with fasting.
3 [11] The atonement sin offering: the bullock prescribed in Lev 16:11-12.
4 [12] This feast of Booths celebrating the vintage harvest was the most popular of all and therefore had the most elaborate ritual. See note on Lev 23:34.
5 [13] Thirteen bullocks: the number of bullocks sacrificed before the octave day was seventy, arranged on a descending scale so that the number on the seventh day was the sacred number seven.
6 [35] A solemn meeting: the Hebrew word is the technical term for the closing celebration of the three major feasts of the Passover, Pentecost and Booths, or of other special feasts that lasted for a week. Cf Lev 23:36; Deut 16:8; 2 Chron 7:9; Nehemiah 8:18.
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