December 09, 2002 Copyright © by United States Conference of Catholic BishopsJob
Chapter 35
- 1
- Then Elihu proceeded and said:
- 2
- Do you think it right to say, "I am just rather than God?"
- 3
- To say, "What does it profit me; what advantage have I more than if I had sinned?"
- 4
- 1 I have words for a reply to you and your three companions as well.
- 5
- Look up to the skies and behold; regard the heavens high above you.
- 6
- If you sin, what injury do you do to God? Even if your offenses are many, how do you hurt him?
- 7
- If you are righteous, what do you give him, or what does he receive from your hand?
- 8
- Your wickedness can affect only a man like yourself; and your justice only a fellow human being.
- 9
- In great oppression men cry out; they call for help because of the power of the mighty,
- 10
- Saying, "Where is God, my Maker, who has given visions in the night,
- 11
- Taught us rather than the beasts of the earth, and made us wise rather than the birds of the heavens?"
- 12
- Though thus they cry out, he answers not against the pride of the wicked.
- 13
- But it is idle to say God does not hear or that the Almighty does not take notice.
- 14
- 2 Even though you say that you see him not, the case is before him; with trembling should you wait upon him.
- 15
- But now that you have done otherwise, God's anger punishes, nor does he show concern that a man will die.
- 16
- Yet Job to no purpose opens his mouth, and without knowledge multiplies words.
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1 [4] A reply to you: Elihu refers to Job's statement that the innocent suffer as much as the wicked, and especially to Eliphaz's words in Job 22:2-3.
2 [14-15] The text here is uncertain. It seems to indicate that Job should have realized God's indifference is only apparent, and that, because he has not done so, God will punish him.
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