December 09, 2002 Copyright © by United States Conference of Catholic BishopsJob
Chapter 23
- 1
- Again Job answered and said:
- 2
- Though I know my complaint is bitter, his hand is heavy upon me in my groanings.
- 3
- Oh, that today I might find him, that I might come to his judgment seat!
- 4
- I would set out my cause before him, and fill my mouth with arguments;
- 5
- I would learn the words with which he would answer, and understand what he would reply to me.
- 6
- Even should he contend against me with his great power, yet, would that he himself might heed me!
- 7
- There the upright man might reason with him, and I should once and for all preserve my rights.
- 8
- But if I go to the east, he is not there; or to the west, I cannot perceive him;
- 9
- Where the north enfolds him, I behold him not; by the south he is veiled, and I see him not.
- 10
- Yet he knows my way; if he proved me, I should come forth as gold.
- 11
- My foot has always walked in his steps; his way I have kept and have not turned aside.
- 12
- From the commands of his lips I have not departed; the words of his mouth I have treasured in my heart.
- 13
- But he had decided, and who can say him nay? What he desires, that he does.
- 14
- For he will carry out what is appointed for me; and many such things may yet be in his mind.
- 15
- Therefore am I dismayed before him; when I take thought, I fear him.
- 16
- Indeed God has made my courage fail; the Almighty has put me in dismay.
- 17
- Yes, would that I had vanished in darkness, and that thick gloom were before me to conceal me.
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