December 09, 2002 Copyright © by United States Conference of Catholic BishopsJeremiah
Chapter 47
- 1
- This is the word that came from the LORD to the prophet Jeremiah concerning the Philistines, before Pharaoh attacked Gaza:
- 2
- 1 Thus says the LORD: Behold: waters are rising from the north, a torrent in flood; It shall flood the land and all that is in it, the cities and their people. All the people of the land set up a wailing cry.
- 3
- They hear the stamping hooves of his steeds, the rattling chariots, the rumbling wheels. Fathers turn not to save their children; their hands fall helpless
- 4
- 2 Because of the day which has come to ruin all the Philistines, And cut off from Tyre and Sidon the last of their allies. Yes, the LORD is destroying the Philistines, the remnant from the coasts of Caphtor.
- 5
- 3 Gaza is shaved bald, Ashkelon is reduced to silence; Ashdod, the remnant of their strength, how long will you gash yourself?
- 6
- 4 Alas, sword of the LORD! how long till you find rest? Return into your scabbard; stop, be still!
- 7
- How can it find rest when the LORD has commanded it? Against Ashkelon and the seashore he has appointed it.
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1 [2-7] This prophecy was fulfilled in 605/4 B.C.
2 [4] Tyre and Sidon: Phoenician cities associated commercially with the Philistines, and enemies of Nebuchadnezzar; cf Jeremiah 27:1-4. Nebuchadnezzar carried out a thirteen-year siege of Tyre which was only partially successful. Caphtor: probably the island of Crete, the traditional place of origin of the Philistines; cf Amos 9:7.
3 [5] Of the ancient Philistine cities, neither Gath nor Ekron (Jeremiah 25:20) is mentioned in this period of waning independence of the seacoast.
4 [6] Words of the Philistines.
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